Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cupcakes and Communism

So as my Spanish class knows, I am a commie.
Loving communist ideals is just one of those things I can't help, like menstruation and loving 10 Things I Hate About You.  So here is my idea.

Last week my pal Marisa and I were making some delicious cupcakes.
I noticed that in order to make good cupcakes, you have to put equal batter in each cup...
and equal frosting on each cupcake...
and everyone gets the same amount of delicious morsels.
And whether you are the unfortunate parent who has to make the cupcakes...
or the kindergardener with blue frosting on its face...
you get the same amount of cupcake.

Therefore, universe, I pose to you this groundbreaking culinary concept:
Cupcakes are a perfect example of communism.
[And why it is so delicious.]

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