Monday, December 31, 2007

Jesus Camp: What Did Potter Do?

So I'm watching Jesus Camp with an open mind. Probably because it is 3 in the morning and I'm still sugar buzzed from ice cream cake almost four hours ago. But anyway, here I am with my open mind. And there is a...large...lady talking about sin. And kids crying because they are being "saved" by Jesus. And school teachers preaching Creationism. And they are praying to Jesus that their Powerpoint system doesn't break down. And the most anti-liberal brainwashing bullshit ever. But here I am with my open mind. I'm thinking "well, okay, fine. It is their right to think this. It is their right to live like this. And, hell, even if I don't like it, it is their right to teach their children this. And they probably don't like me that much for being a gay-loving, pro-choice commie liberal."

And THEN this lady opens her mouth. And she says that Harry Potter is a sinner. He is not a hero. He does not stand for good or justice. And I'm thinking "WHAT? Harry Potter is every little kid's hero! He is a symbol for what every kid wishes he or she could go out and achieve! Harry Potter fucking rocks." And then I think back to the end of the seventh book, when Harry decides that he is willing to sacrifice his life for the good of the world, and he steps in front of Lord Voldemort's wand unarmed. So, to stretch the truth, Harry is essentially laying down his life in front of the Lord for the good of humankind. Take that, Jesus Camp!

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